2019-20 Secondary Career & Technical Education (CTE) Database Handbook
The Secondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) Database Handbook is for use by school districts and offers guidance on reporting secondary career and technical education student data in Survey 5. It includes related data elements, reporting formats, edits, and supporting appendices.
Secondary CTE Formats
- Industry Certification
- Student Demographic Information
- Student End of Year Status
- Career and Technical Education Student Course Schedule
- Career and Technical Education Teacher Course Schedule
Secondary CTE Data Elements
- Additional School Year Student
- Birth Date
- Career and Professional Academy Identifier
- Career and Technical Education Occupational Completion Point Code
- Career and Technical Education/Adult General Education Program Code
- Certificate of Completion Type
- Country of Birth
- Course Number
- Date Entered United States School
- Diploma Designation
- Diploma Type
- District Number, Current Enrollment
- District Number, Current Instruction/Service
- District Number, Zoned School
- Dropout Prevention: Performance-Based Exit Option Test Results
- English Language Learners, Home Language Survey Date
- English Language Learners, PK12
- Ethnicity
- Exceptional Student Career and Technical Education Course Setting
- Exceptionality, Primary
- Facility Type
- FEFP Program Number
- Florida Educators Certificate Number
- Florida Education Identifier
- Gender
- Grade Level
- Grade Point Average State, Cumulative
- Grade Promotion Status
- Grade Promotion Status: Good Cause Exemption
- Graduation Option
- Industry Certification Date Earned
- Industry Certification Identifier
- Industry Certification Outcome
- Institution Number, Neglected/Delinquent
- Internship Participant
- Lunch Status
- Migrant Status Term
- Modified Occupational Completion Point
- Native Language, Student
- Online Course
- Online Course Exempt
- Period Number
- Primary Language Spoken In Home
- Qualifying Arrival Date (QAD) for Migrant Program Eligibility
- Race: American Indian or Alaska Native
- Race: Asian
- Race: Black or African American
- Race: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- Race: White
- Residence County
- Resident Status, State/County
- School Number, Current Enrollment
- School Number, Current Instruction/Service
- School Number, Zoned School
- School Year
- Section Number
- Single Parent and Single Pregnant Woman
- Social Security Number
- Staff Number Identifier, Local
- Student Characteristic, Agency Programs
- Student Name, Legal
- Student Number Identifier - Alias, Florida
- Student Number Identifier, Florida
- Student Number Identifier, Local
- Survey Period Code
- Term
- Transaction Code
- Withdrawal Date
- Withdrawal Reason
- Year Entered Ninth Grade, Graduation Requirements Determination
- Year
Secondary CTE Edits & Validations
- Industry Certification (PDF)
- Student Demographic Information (PDF)
- Student End of Year Status (PDF)
- Career and Technical Education Student Course Schedule (PDF)
- Career and Technical Education Teacher Course (PDF)
Secondary CTE Appendices
- A: Attendance Recordkeeping Required Codes for Grade PK-12 Students
- B: Attendance Recordkeeping Required Codes for Adult Students
- C: District Name Table
- E: FEFP Program Numbers
- FF: Career and Professional Education Act Career-Themed Courses Registered with FLDOE
- I: Reporting Characteristics (WDIS and Secondary CTE) Note: Appendix I is contained in the WDIS Database Handbook.
- N: Language Codes
- Q: United States Commonwealth and Territories
- S: Career Education Programs with Occupational Completion Points Note: Appendix S is contained in the WDIS Database Handbook.
- Y: Career and Professional Academies Registered with FLDOE
- Z: Industry Certification Identifier