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2003 Score Reports
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2003 Writing Prompts


Writing to Explain (Expository) Students were asked to explain why they enjoy playing a particular game.
Writing to Tell a Story (Narrative)
Students were asked to write a story about what might happen if they took care of an animal for one day.


Writing to Explain (Expository)
Students were asked to explain what is interesting about their community.

Writing to Persuade (Persuasive)
Students were asked to convince the school to accept their choice about how the school should spend its money. Students might have chosen one of the following: improving the cafeteria, buying computers, having more assembly programs, or taking field trips.


Writing to Explain (Expository)
Students were asked to explain why a particular course in school might be useful in the future.

Writing to Persuade (Persuasive)
Students were asked to convince the school board about whether students who have failing grades should be allowed to participate in school clubs or sports.