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Certificate Pathways & Routes
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Teacher Apprenticeship & Internship Pathways

Effective September 1, 2023, Florida offers two five-year Temporary Teacher Certification pathways for individuals who have not yet earned a bachelor's degree. Guidance for both pathways is listed below. Please note, all new applicants must create an online account prior to applying for any certification.

Apprenticeship Pathway

The Temporary Teacher Apprenticeship Certificate is for individuals who have not earned a bachelor’s degree, but meet the following requirements:

  • Meet the requirements of Section 1012.56(2)(a),(b),(d),(e),(f), F.S.
  • Must hold a valid official statement of status of eligibility as specified in Section 1012.56(1), F.S., which reflects that the applicant has satisfied specialization requirements.
  • Must have received an associate degree from an accredited postsecondary institution.
  • Must have earned a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in that degree program.
  • Must be selected by a participating employer to participate in the Teacher Apprenticeship Program in accordance with Rule 6A-5.067, F.A.C.;
  • Must have been accepted by the Florida postsecondary institution offering related instruction for the participating employer’s Teacher Apprenticeship Program, as verified by a participating employer in accordance with Rule 6A-5.067, F.A.C.
  • May only submit the application for the subject in which you are seeking certification.
    • Cannot submit an application for endorsements.
  • Must satisfy the fingerprint requirement.

Steps to Apply

1. Login or create an account to complete the online application.

  • Existing users should login. New users will need to create an account.
  • Under the Start a New Application heading, select Bureau of Educator Certification from the first drop-down menu, then Temporary Apprenticeship Certificate Application from the second drop-down menu. Click the blue “Select” button to begin the application.

2. Submit official transcripts reflecting conferral of an associate's degree.

  • The preferred way to submit official transcripts is through one of these secure electronic transmission systems: FASTER or SPEEDE. You will need to contact your registrar’s office to request that they send your transcript through either one of these systems.
  • If the college or university you attended does not participate in FASTER or SPEEDE, an original paper transcript must be mailed to our office at the address below.
  • Our office does not accept transcripts via email.

Florida Department of Education
Bureau of Educator Certification
325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 201
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

For additional guidance on this pathway, please email

Internship Pathway

The Temporary Teacher Internship Certificate is for individuals who are enrolled in a state-approved teacher preparation program and have not yet earned a bachelor’s degree. To qualify, individuals must meet the following requirements:

  • Meet the requirements of Section 1012.56(2)(a),(b),(d),(e),(f), F.S.
  • Must hold a valid official statement of status of eligibility as specified in Section 1012.56(1), F.S., which reflects that the applicant has satisfied specialization requirements.
  • Must be enrolled in a state-approved teacher preparation program under Section 1004.04, F.S., and Rule 6A-5.066, F.A.C.
  • Must complete the subject area content requirements specified in state board rule or demonstrate mastery of subject area knowledge as provided in Section 1012.56(5), F.S.
  • Must earn a passing score on a Florida subject area examination for bachelor’s level subjects which demonstrates mastery of subject area knowledge.
  • May only submit the application for the subject in which you are seeking certification.
    • Cannot submit an application for endorsements.
  • Must have earned a minimum of 60 college credits with a 2.5 grade point average on an official transcript per Rule 6A-4.003, F.A.C.
  • Must satisfy the fingerprint requirement.
  • Must be actively completing the required program field experience or internship at a public school.

Steps to Apply

1. Login or create an account to complete the online application.

  • Existing users should login. New users will need to create an account.
  • Under the Start a New Application heading, select Bureau of Educator Certification from the first drop-down menu, then Temporary Internship Certificate Application from the second drop-down menu. Click the blue “Select” button to begin the application.

2. Submit official transcripts reflecting at least 60 college credits.

  • The preferred way to submit official transcripts is through one of these secure electronic transmission systems: FASTER or SPEEDE. You will need to contact your registrar’s office to request that they send your transcript through either one of these systems.
  • If the college or university you attended does not participate in FASTER or SPEEDE, an original paper transcript must be mailed to our office at the address below.
  • Our office does not accept transcripts via email.

Florida Department of Education
Bureau of Educator Certification
325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 201
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

3. Email for instructions on submitting the following additional documentation:

  • A letter on institution letterhead documenting enrollment in a state-approved teacher preparation program with an in-progress field experience or internship at a public school.

For additional guidance on this pathway, please email