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Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for English Learners & Immigrant Students
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Title III, Part A - Equitable Services

To be eligible for Title III, Part A services for ELs, a private school student must be enrolled in a private elementary or secondary school in the geographic area served by an LEA that receives a Title III, Part A subgrant for ELs and must meet the definition of an EL under ESEA section 8101(20). 41 To be eligible for Title III, Part A services for immigrant children and youth, a private school student must be enrolled in a private elementary or secondary school in the geographic area served by an LEA that receives a Title III, Part A subgrant for immigrant children and youth and must meet the definition of immigrant children and youth under ESEA section 3201(5). Private school teachers and other educational personnel who instruct private school ELs (or, in the case of a private school in the geographic area served by an LEA that receives a Title III subgrant for immigrant children and youth, private school teachers and other educational personnel who instruct private school immigrant children and youth) may receive professional development under Title III, Part A. The extent to which private school teachers and other educational personnel would receive professional development under Title III, Part A would be determined during the consultation process.
