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2021-2022 Funding Opportunities
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Entrepreneurship Education & Training Grant

Florida’s Perkins V State Plan commits to creating a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem through career and technical education (CTE). Business equity is the second largest source of wealth behind home equity, and for special populations, self-employment and the ability to effectively create value contributes to Florida’s greater economic security. In short, becoming an entrepreneur is a viable path to improving Florida’s economic and social mobility rates. CTE does not just prepare students to take jobs, but to create the jobs of the future.

Entrepreneurship education and training (EET) refers to both academic education and formal training interventions or activities that share the broad objective of providing individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to start, operate, or scale an enterprise. For purposes of Perkins V, it has a particular focus on formally cultivating within CTE students the following two domains:

  • entrepreneurial mindsets - i.e., the socio-emotional skills and overall awareness of “what it takes” to become a successful entrepreneur (e.g., self-confidence, leadership, creativity, risk propensity, motivation, critical thinking, high degrees of empathy, resilience, and self-efficacy)
  • entrepreneurial capabilities - i.e., the capacity for successful business management and venturing (e.g., knowledge of marketing, accounting, financial modeling, and the sources of capital, and evidencing the ability to de-risk an idea, successfully pivot, and value-create)

It is in this spirit that the Florida Department of Education is seeking to fund innovative EET projects that cultivate entrepreneurial mindsets and entrepreneurial capabilities in CTE students.

Entrepreneurship Education and Training (EET) Funding List

Entrepreneurship Education and Training (EET) Request for Proposal (RFP)

Entrepreneurship Education and Training (EET) Questions and Answers

Entrepreneurship Education and Training (EET) Funding Webinar

Education and Training (EET) Opportunities Webinars and Key Dates

There are a few important dates to remember. Applicants are highly encouraged to attend all seven webinars: