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SESIR Codes & Definitions
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Threat/Intimidation (TRE) - Level III


An incident where there was no physical contact between the offender and victim, but the victim reasonably believed that physical harm could have occurred based on verbal or nonverbal communication by the offender. This includes nonverbal threats and verbal threats of physical harm which are made in person, electronically or through any other means.


  • Student or other willfully and repeatedly following another or stalking with intent to cause the person to fear for his/her safety.
  • Student or other who willfully and repeatedly uses e-mail or text messages to cause another to fear for his/her safety or cause substantial emotional distress (cyber-stalking).

Additional Guidelines

In the past, Threat/Intimidation included the elements of intent, fear and capability. The definition was recently modified to more closely match the U.S. Department of Education's definition as required for federal reporting. While that language is no longer explicitly part of the definition, the three elements are still present. Fear comes from the victim's perception, and intent and capability are more broadly taken into account for all SESIR incidents. 

Note: Any threat of violence towards the school or targeted groups that results in school disciplinary action and Law Enforcement involvement, should be coded as Disruption on Campus-Major (DOC) if it causes a significant campus disruption.



Office of Safe Schools
325 West Gaines Street, Room 1302
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Phone: 850-245-5173