FCAT Results Reflect Transition to Higher Standards
DOE Press Office (850) 245-0413
FCAT Results Reflect Transition to Higher Standards
- Raising the bar intended to prepare students better for college and careers -Tallahassee As Florida ramps up standards and strengthens assessments in preparation for a move to a more demanding set of nationwide academic educational standards called the Common Core State Standards in 2015, the first group of statewide assessment results offer evidence of that transition.
"We are asking more from our students and teachers than we ever have, and I am proud of their hard work," said Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson. "Florida's higher standards help ensure students are learning what they are expected to know so that they are prepared for college, career, and life. As Florida transitions to higher standards and higher expectations, we can expect our assessment results to reflect those changes."
Florida is in transition to more challenging assessments aligned to the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards as the state prepares for full implementation of Common Core State Standards and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessments in 2014-15. Raising the standards along with the expectations of Florida's students helps prepare them for the more demanding PARCC assessments designed to help them acquire the skills they need for tomorrow's jobs and to be more competitive internationally.
The Florida Department of Education released results today for ninth and tenth grade FCAT 2.0 Reading and FCAT Writing as well as retake results.
- 52 percent of students in grade 9 were performing at or above Achievement Level 3 (on grade level) on FCAT 2.0 Reading.
- 50 percent of students in grade 10 received passing scores performing at or above Achievement Level 3 on FCAT 2.0 Reading (a decline from 60 percent in 2011 when the passing score was set within Achievement level 2).
- 81 percent of students in grade 4 earned a score of 3.0 and above on FCAT Writing, compared to 78 percent in grade 8, and 84 percent in grade 10.
More information about statewide assessment results and media packets are available at http://www.fldoe.org/accountability/assessments/k-12-student-assessment/results/2012.stml#PM.