Latest Teacher Talk Episodes Discuss School Choice and Common Core State Standards
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Latest Teacher Talk Episodes Discuss School Choice and Common Core State Standards
~ Experts highlight how parents and teachers have educational options available ~TALLAHASSEE - The latest episodes of the popular Teacher Talk show are now available, highlighting the ins and outs of school choice options and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The shows highlight a Gadsden County charter school, the Florida Virtual School, and also include a presentation on the English/Language Arts common core standards by Student Achievement Partners Founder and Chief Executive Officer David Coleman, a key figure in developing the CCSS. Teacher Talk is hosted by the Department of Education's Teacher Liaison, Kelly Seay.
"Florida schools continue to make great strides because of our commitment to rigorous standards," said Kelly Seay. "The Common Core State Standards will motivate and challenge our students toward the goal of becoming the highest academic performers in the nation."
Throughout the country, states are beginning to transition to the Common Core State Standards, a set of focused subject area content that will help students prepare for college and career. Florida continues to be a national leader in providing a wide variety of outstanding school choice options, boasting two of the top 10 and eight of the top 50 school districts in the country for the number of charter school students enrolled in 2010-2011.
Teacher Talk is a television show produced by the Florida Department of Education that focuses on Florida teachers and their innovations both in and out of the classroom. Each show is aired on the Department's YouTube channel at in the "Educators" playlist. For more information about "Teacher Talk," please visit