Florida's Education Policy on Reading Serves as Model for States
DOE Press Office (850) 245-0413
Florida's Education Policy on Reading Serves as Model for States
Tallahassee - A report released in April 2012 by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research focuses on the benefits of Florida's strong policies on reading achievement and third grade promotion. States across the country, including Colorado, Iowa, New Mexico and Tennessee, are considering legislation that would mirror Florida's policies for third grade promotion and assistance to struggling readers. The groundbreaking legislation was introduced in Florida more than a decade ago and data show large reading achievement gains among students who received literacy support."Florida is a shining example of what is possible when we work together for our students," said Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson. "Literacy is the foundation of learning and Florida has done much more than set a standard for other states. We know it's important to begin high quality reading instruction in kindergarten and address the students' needs early on. Our reading initiative recognizes that the underlying goal of a third grade promotion policy is to prevent the need to hold our kids back."
Through Just Read, Florida!, the state has implemented one of the most comprehensive literacy initiatives in the nation with efforts to ensure that teachers deliver data-driven reading instruction, monitor student progress and develop intervention strategies for students who are behind.
The Commissioner added that these combined efforts have led to dramatic increases in student achievement.
For more information about Just Read, Florida!, visit http://www.justreadflorida.com/. To view The Benefits of Florida's Test-Based Promotion System report, visit http://www.manhattan-institute.org/pdf/cr_68.pdf (PDF).