Statement from State Board of Education Chairman Gary Chartrand On Florida
DOE Press Office (850) 245-0413
Statement from State Board of Education Chairman Gary Chartrand On Florida's Strategic Plan
"It is our goal to ensure that there is no such thing as an achievement gap in Florida's K-12 education system. During the State Board of Education meeting I specifically asked department staff to include a footnote in the strategic plan that clearly states the goal of the State Board of Education is that all children would become 100 percent proficient. We have to acknowledge that there are different starting points among groups of students today. We can only close the achievement gap in Florida if we are willing to have an honest conversation about what it will take to get all students to that level of success.
"Absent this kind of measurement focus, the achievement gap between African American students and white students in Florida was only reduced by five percentage points between 2001 and 2010. By clearly outlining that all students are capable of performing on grade level and understanding what we will need to do to move them towards that goal, we can make sure that every student in Florida is prepared for success in college and careers. The measurements will ensure that we are on track and can close the gap faster. To be clear, the interim targets will not determine our success; the absence of an achievement gap will."
- Math Progress (PDF, 141KB)
- English Language Arts Progress (PDF, 158KB)
- Gap Analysis (PDF, 167KB)