Florida Department of Education and Florida PTA Announce Parent Involvement Award Winners
DOE Press Office 850-245-0413
Florida Department of Education and Florida PTA Announce Parent Involvement Award Winners
Tallahassee, Fla., July 14, 2014 - On Saturday, July 12, ten schools were recognized by the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) and the Florida Parent Teacher Association (PTA) for programs showing innovative family and community engagement initiatives. The schools were honored during the PTA's annual Leadership Conference in Tarpon Springs. Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart, Florida PTA President Eileen Segal, Bureau Chief of FDOE's Family and Community Outreach Angelia Rivers and FDOE's Director of Volunteer and Community Involvement Kelli Walker were on hand to present the awards."Schools are most successful when parents and families are a close part of their mission and their community," said Commissioner Stewart. "It is my honor to recognize these efforts and my hope that all schools continue to work closely with families to ensure the success of every child."
Each year the Parental Involvement Award recognizes exemplary family and community involvement programs from across the state that focus on welcoming all families into the local school system, providing effective communication, supporting student success, speaking up for every child, and promoting collaboration among all stakeholders.
Florida PTA President, Eileen Segal states, "Family engagement is paramount to our children's education. When parents are full partners in their children's education, statistics show that no matter what socio-economic level they are, the child tests better, will go onto postsecondary education and the morale of the school elevates. Florida PTA is proud of this outstanding program and is proud to recognize these winners!"
The 2014 Parent Involvement Award Winners are below.
Region ILeon County Hartsfield Elementary School World Culture Fair
Leon County
Fort Braden School Math-A-Phobia Hotline
Nassau County
Bryceville Elementary School A STEM Parent Night
Columbia County
Lake City Middle School Lake City Middle School Community Outreach Program
Volusia County
Westside Elementary School Bingo for Books
Volusia County
Atlantic High School Family Night
Pasco County
Moon Lake Elementary School Watch Dogs
Pinellas County
Countryside High School Teen Dating 101
Palm Beach County
Wellington Elementary School "Arrgh," Hunting for Literacy Treasure at the Wellington Public Library
Dade County
Leewood K-8 Center Trunk-or-Treat
For more information about more Family and Community Outreach programs and to sign up for the Just for Parents newsletter, visit http://www.fldoe.org/family/.