Department of Education and Miami Dade Public Schools to Host Community Engagement Meeting
Monday, October 17, 2011
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DOE Press Office (850) 245-0413
Department of Education and Miami Dade Public Schools to Host Community Engagement Meeting
The Florida Department of Education, in partnership with Miami-Dade Public Schools will host a community engagement meeting tomorrow at Miami Edison Senior High School. Parents, community leaders and other supporters of Miami Edison Senior High School and Miami Central Senior High School are encouraged to participate in this opportunity to learn how the local community can get involved in helping these schools increase student achievement.The event will feature renowned Freedom Writer Manuel Scott, whose unique message is one that has inspired, educated, and empowered almost a million people, helping them to make the most of their lives.
This community engagement event is being held as a part of the Intervene status waiver granted for these schools during the July 19, 2011, State Board of Education meeting.
The event will be held:
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 6:30 p.m.
6101 NW 2nd Avenue
Miami, FL 33127