State Board Takes Action
DOE Press Office 850-245-0413
State Board Takes Action
Tallahassee, Fla., February 18, 2013 - At today's State Board of Education meeting in Orlando, board members received a letter from Governor Scott outlining his education budget proposal. The letter thanked the board members for their leadership and praised teachers' hard work. The budget proposal calls for every teacher to get a $2,500 raise - a $480 million investment in educators - and for every teacher to get an additional $70 dollars - totaling $250 each - in supply funding to keep them from having to dip into their own pockets. A presentation on the budget followed.
The board heard a number of updates including teacher evaluations, the progress of school districts on implementing Common Core standards and assessments, digital learning, and an introduction to a new readiness gauge to help districts track and share progress toward providing a robust learning environment and full implementation of digital and Common Core. For more information, visit Common Core.
The board also approved the 2013-14 Critical Teacher Shortage Areas as English/Language Arts, Middle and High School Reading, Exceptional Education, Middle and High School Science, Foreign Languages, English for Speakers of Other Languages, and Middle and High School Mathematics. The shortage areas are identified from teacher supply and demand reports on subject areas with an unmet need of certified teachers.
The board approved new rulemaking activities to define a pathway between the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and Reading endorsements. The rule would eliminate an overlap in educator content training in those areas.
Board members approved the Gold Standard Career Pathways Articulation Agreement that guarantees students are awarded college credit when they earn specified industry certifications and are enrolled in an Associate of Science or Associate of Applied Science Degree program at a Florida College System institution.