Florida Schools Take Proactive Approach to Implement Common Core State Standards
DOE Press Office 850-245-0413
Florida Schools Take Proactive Approach to Implement Common Core State Standards
- Teachers get creative to boost student achievement -
Tallahassee, Fla., February 26, 2013 - Florida teachers are setting their students up for success when it comes to transitioning to the Common Core State Standards. While full implementation of the standards in all Florida classrooms will begin in 2013-2014, with assessments on the Common Core State Standards beginning in 2014-2015, many teachers are already looking at creative ways to incorporate innovative teaching techniques that support these new standards.
"Florida educators strive to provide the highest quality education and Common Core State Standards give our students a competitive edge in global education," said Commissioner of Education Dr. Tony Bennett. "I applaud our educators for their initiative and openness to embrace these deeper, stronger standards for our students."
Many districts are reaching out to parents in an effort to explain the purpose of adopting the Common Core State Standards. Some, like Collier County, have created their own guide (PDF) geared toward parents that explains the skills and concepts students are expected to master.
The Florida Department of Education is also working at the state level to provide guidance to parents about this transition. A new tool, the Readiness Gauge, is now active, allowing parents to monitor how their child's school district is progressing toward full implementation of Common Core.
Educators remain the driving force behind student learning. While the standards are the same across the state, teachers can vary the way they teach them. For example, the new standards require kindergarteners to be able to count to 100, but individual teachers can choose what type of lessons they develop to help students learn how to count. Realizing students will be expected to know these basic concepts, teachers are already working diligently to ensure students are being taught the skills to perform at a higher level of achievement. Professional development opportunities are available for teachers at both the district and state levels to help prepare them to lead the way into the Common Core State Standards.
The Common Core State Standards initiative is a state-led effort coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers. The standards were developed in collaboration with teachers, school administrators, and experts to provide a clear and consistent framework to prepare our children for college and the workforce.
For more information, including specific requirements for each subject, visit Common Core State Standards.