What They Are Saying… Day #2 - Leaders Across Florida Applaud Governor Scott
What They Are Saying… Day #2 - Leaders Across Florida Applaud Governor Scott's Support of High Standards
Congressman Steve Southerland said, "Floridians deserve an education system that fits the unique needs of our state and is accountable to its citizens. Today's announcement by Governor Scott is a very positive step in that direction. I commend the Governor for working to return decision-making power back to the people who best understand our children - and challenges and opportunities facing them."Kathleen Shanahan, Member of the Board of Education said, "Florida's businesses need a prepared and talented workforce. Setting and measuring high standards for our students will attract additional businesses that demand highly-skilled employees."
President & CEO, Tom Feeney of Associated Industries of Florida (AIF) said, "The success of Florida's business community depends on the continued dramatic improvement in higher education standards and accountability measures to create more high-wage, high-skilled jobs and to ensure economic prosperity in our great state. Even though Florida's education system has made tremendous improvements, a high school diploma often fails to properly prepare Florida's students for a collegiate course load or for today's high-wage jobs. Associated Industries of Florida is encouraged by the Governor's commitment to protect Florida from federal government micro-management of curriculum while continuing to build upon Florida's success in the classroom over the past fifteen years. We look forward to working with the Governor in continuing to thoughtfully implement education policies that will cultivate an internationally competitive workforce."
House Speaker Pro Tempore Marti Coley said, "I commend the Governor for listening and responding to the concerns of Floridians. Governor Scott's executive order today reaffirms Florida's commitment to high educational standards for our state, while maintaining the oversight, accountability and control within Florida. High standards ultimately provide our students with the preparation they need to succeed, which in the end is the goal of our educational system."
Alberto M. Carvalho, Superintendent, Miami-Dade County Public Schools said, "High standards and respectful accountability must continue to position our children well in light of the new emerging economy. Governor Scott has made education a top priority. Today marks the next step to help create a pathway for Florida's students to ensure they are prepared to enter the workforce."
Keith Calloway of the Professional Educators Network of Florida (PEN) said, "In response to the recent actions by the Governor regarding Common Core State Standards, The Professional Educators Network of Florida (PEN) is in support of the Governor's actions. This is a great first step. PEN applauds the Governor's efforts to collect more data and to listen to teachers so that the best decisions are made for education. Additionally, PEN commends the fact that the Governor has recommended that Education Commissioner Stewart travel throughout the state to speak with citizens regarding their feeling and concerns about the standards. Currently PEN is surveying its members in regards to Common Core State Standards."
Jason Fischer, Duval County School Board Member said, "I commend Governor Scott for standing up for higher standards. Education is a state driven issue and I'm proud to see our Governor push back on any federal overreach."