First Lady Ann Scott Continues Summer Literacy Adventure
June 21, 2016
DOE Press Office
First Lady Ann Scott Continues Summer Literacy Adventure
~ Encourages students to keep up their reading skills over summer break ~
Key Largo, Fla. – Today, First Lady Ann Scott shared her passion for reading with students from the YMCA of Key Largo at the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. This is the sixth consecutive year that the First Lady has participated in the Summer Literacy Adventure, an initiative to boost students’ interest in summer reading.
First Lady Ann Scott said, “Summer is the perfect time for Florida families to take advantage of Florida’s expansive state park system and to journey through books that enable us to use our imaginations to travel far beyond. There are so many interesting books featuring Florida and our impressive natural treasures, and I hope that everyone from parents and grandparents to educators and summer camp leaders will help the children in their lives remain engaged in reading throughout the summer.”
The First Lady was joined by representatives from the Florida Department of Education, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Florida Lottery. The Department of Environmental Protection generously provided state park passes for the student participants and a Florida Lottery sponsorship made it possible for all students to leave with a goody bag containing books and a reusable water bottle.
Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart said, “First Lady Scott sets a great example for Florida’s students, and we are fortunate to have her as a strong advocate for lifelong reading and lifelong learning. The Summer Literacy Adventure is a great way to show our state’s students that literacy is exciting while working to ensure they retain and enhance the knowledge and skills they gained during the school year.”
Lottery Secretary Tom Delacenserie said, “Education is the Florida Lottery’s top priority, and we are proud to support the 2016 Summer Literacy Adventure. The summer months are a wonderful time for Florida’s students to further develop their love of reading.”
The 2016 Summer Literacy Adventure helps keep Florida students excited about reading and literacy. Research shows that children who do not continue reading through the summer can lose a month or more of progress made during the school year. By encouraging their children to read, parents play an important role in ensuring every child reads at or above grade level.
Donald Forgione, Director of the Florida Park Service, said, “I am excited to welcome First Lady Ann Scott to the first underwater park in the United States. While experiencing the joys of literacy, children can also explore the park’s 30,000-gallon saltwater aquarium – a world of wonder only matched by imagination.”
Students can fill out their Summer Literacy Adventure Pledge form at 2016 Summer Literacy Adventure. At the start of 2016-2017 academic year, First Lady Scott will visit the school whose students successfully completed the most pledges.
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