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State Farm Awards Reading Improvement Grant

May 20, 2016

DOE Press Office

State Farm Awards Reading Improvement Grant
~ Funds will be used to accelerate student reading growth in Florida ~

Tallahassee, Fla., May 20, 2016 – Today, at a meeting of the State Board of Education, State Farm awarded a $50,000 grant to the Florida Education Foundation to fund the Florida Reads Best initiative. The grant will support the development of strategies to improve student achievement in early grades reading.

“Reading is the cornerstone for learning, and it is essential that students cultivate this essential skill from the very beginning to ensure they have the greatest chance of future success,” said Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart. “I appreciate State Farm recognizing the value of devoting resources to our state’s students. Their generous contribution speaks volumes, and I hope that more businesses will follow their lead and partner with the Florida Education Foundation to enhance Florida students’ education experience.”

“On behalf of the Florida Education Foundation, I want to express my gratitude to State Farm for their investment in reading,” said Florida Education Foundation chair Stacy Carlson. “These funds will allow us to work strategically to improve outcomes for Florida students.”

The State Farm investment will enable the Foundation to convene reading experts throughout Florida and the nation to examine the process of how students learn to read and to boost student reading achievement.

“State Farm is pleased to provide support to research how students learn to read and to identify strategies that have the most promise for improving results,” said said Jose Soto, Community Specialist for State Farm. “We are thrilled to work with the Florida Education Foundation on this important research initiative.”

About the Florida Education Foundation

The Florida Education Foundation serves as the direct support organization for the Florida Department of Education. As a valued partner to public education, the Foundation’s mission is to invest in high achievement for every student to contribute to Florida's globally competitive workforce. More information about the Foundation can be found at Florida Education Foundation

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