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Department Of Education Unveils New Student Score Report For The Florida Standards Assessments

February 5, 2016

DOE Press Office

Department of Education Unveils New Student Score Report for the Florida Standards Assessments
~ Redesigned report focuses on ease of understanding ~

Tallahassee, Fla., February 5, 2016 – Today, the Department of Education released samples of the newly redesigned score reports for the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA), statewide science assessments and statewide end-of-course assessments which will be distributed through district offices this spring. The department also developed a webpage to help parents, students, educators and other members of the public better understand the score reports:

Education Commissioner Pam Stewart said, “Our goal is to ensure Floridians have access to an education system that prepares all students for future success. The standardized statewide assessments and the corresponding score reports are critical to achieving that goal because they provide students, parents and educators insight into what students have learned. By knowing how well students grasped the information they are expected to know in each grade level, these individuals can work together to make adjustments that will lead to greater success in the future.”

The standardized statewide assessments evaluate students’ mastery of the standards that guide classroom instruction at every K-12 grade level and are designed to ensure students receive the foundation necessary to succeed in each subsequent grade and/or course. Score reports for all statewide standardized assessments are distributed to parents and students through their school districts.

Commissioner Stewart, who revealed the new score report at the January State Board meeting, noted that there has been a tendency to use the terms “satisfactory” and “proficient” interchangeably, although they actually represent two different levels of mastery. “Satisfactory” is representative of level 3, while “proficient” now represents what a student achieves at a level 4.

The newly redesigned report has the following features, which aim to make the score reports easier to understand and more meaningful:

  • Color-coded levels (1-5), so it is apparent which level the student achieved at first glance;
  • Clear explanation of what each level means, including the difference between “satisfactory” and “proficient,” with additional detail about the level that the student achieved;
  • Comparison of the student’s performance to other students in their school, district and the state; and
  • References to specific DOE websites that offer resources parents and students can use to increase preparation for the next grade/course.

State Board of Education Chair Marva Johnson said, “I applaud Commissioner Stewart and her team at the Department of Education for promptly responding to the Board’s request on this matter and doing so in such transparent fashion. Florida’s families deserve to know how their students performed, and I am confident that this enhanced score report will provide a great benefit to our state’s students and parents.”

For more information about the Florida Department of Education, visit

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