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Cooperative Education OJT Manual


The Cooperative Education Program Model consists of the following components:

  • School administrative support
  • Guidance counselor support
  • A certified teacher/coordinator
  • Eligible student learners
  • Related classroom instruction
  • Supervised on-the-job training (OJT)
  • Quality training sites
  • Coordination of school-based and work-based learning
  • Evaluation and feedback of student’s work progress
  • An advisory committee
  • Involvement of parent/guardian

The relationship between businesses & industry and schools is key to creating meaningful experiences for students and for employers to have a qualified and robust workforce pipeline. The teacher/coordinator is the key to a successful cooperative education program. The role of teacher/coordinator involves not only the usual competencies of a standard classroom teacher, but also requires the insight important to career guidance and the capability for bringing the business community into cooperative alliance with the school.

The cooperative education program model can be a flexible program regarding the career goal of the student. The diversified nature of placement in an approved training site, as well as a well-organized business curriculum, students with varied interests may enter this dynamic program and succeed. Whether the student plans to attend a four-year university, technical college, state college, or progress directly into the work force, the cooperative education program provides the necessary business education that will equip any student with important skills for the business world.

The Quality On-the-Job Training (OJT) Location

Quality On-the-Job Training locations include the following components:

  • Adequate safety instruction.
  • A challenging training site for the student’s ability and purpose.
  • Work that is related to the student’s career and occupational choice.
  • Training site duties and tasks which develop responsibility.
  • A sequential order of mastery skills.
  • A salary that is paid in conformity with federal and state laws.