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2014 Archived Meetings
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November 18, 2014 - Agenda

Gary Chartrand, Chair
John R. Padget, Vice Chair
Ada G. Armas
John A. Colón
Marva Johnson
Rebecca Fishman Lipsey
Andy Tuck

November 18, 2014

Seminole State College
Heathrow Campus
1055 AAA Drive
Heathrow, FL 32746

8:30 a.m. Call to Order Chair Gary Chartrand
Pledge of Allegiance
Member Comments
Commissioner's Report (PDF, 23KB)
  • Recognize Jayne Ellspermann, 2015 National Principal of the Year
  • Recognize Belinda Chason, 2014 Woman of the Year in Agriculture
  • Recognize Taxwatch 2014 Principal Leadership Award Recipients
Commissioner Pam Stewart
  1. Digital Learning (PDF, 16KB)
Action Items
  1. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0786, Forms for Charter School Applicants and Sponsors (PDF, 198KB)
  2. Approval of New Rule 6A-6.0982, Florida Approved Online Course Providers (PDF, 124KB)
  3. Approval of District Turnaround Option Plans for Schools Required to Implement Turnaround in 2014-15 (PDF, 795KB)
  4. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.099811, Differentiated Accountability State System of School Improvement (PDF, 300KB)
  5. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-10.024, Articulation Between and Among Universities, Florida Colleges, and School Districts (PDF, 440KB)
  6. Approval of Amendments to Rules relating to Educator Certification: (PDF, 3MB)
    • 6A-4.0012, Application Information
    • 6A-4.002, General Provisions
    • 6A-4.0051, Renewal and Reinstatement of a Professional Certificate
    • 6A-4.006, General and Professional Preparation
  7. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0943, Statewide Assessment for Students with Disabilities (PDF, 92KB)
  8. Approval of New Rule 6A-1.09963, High School Graduation Requirements for Students with Disabilities (PDF, 47KB)
  9. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.03022, Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Dual Sensory Impairments (PDF, 47KB)
  10. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.03028, Provision of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and Development of Individual Educational Plans for Students with Disabilities (PDF, 113KB)
  11. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.03029, Development of Individualized Family Support Plans for Children with Disabilities Ages Birth Through Five Years (PDF, 122KB)
  12. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.0331, General Education Intervention Procedures, Evaluation, Determination of Eligibility, Reevaluation and the Provision of Exceptional Student Education Services (PDF, 58KB)
  13. Approval of Amendments to Rules relating to English Language Learners: (PDF, 102KB)
    • 6A-6.0900, Programs for English Language Learners
    • 6A-6.09022, Extension of Services in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Program
    • 6A-6.0905, Requirements for the District English Language Learners Plan
    • 6A-6.0909, Exemptions Provided to English Language Learners
  14. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-4.0021, Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (PDF, 488KB)
  15. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-4.00821, Florida Educational Leadership Examination (PDF, 329KB)
Consent Items
  1. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0014, Comprehensive Management Information System (PDF, 36KB)
  2. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.09441, Requirements for Programs and Courses Which are Funded Through the Florida Education Finance Program and for Which the Student May Earn Credit Toward High School Graduation (PDF, 44KB)
  3. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0995, Form of High School Diplomas and Certificates of Completion (PDF, 25KB)
  4. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-6.03411, Definitions, ESE Policies and Procedures, and ESE Administrators (PDF, 17KB)
  5. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-1.0451, Florida Education Finance Program Student Membership Surveys (PDF, 49KB)
  6. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-20.027, Rosewood Family Scholarship Fund (PDF, 243KB)
  7. Adoption of Resolutions Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Not Exceeding $1,150,000,000 State of Florida, Full Faith and Credit, State Board of Education Public Education Capital Outlay (PECO) Refunding Bonds, 2015 Series (to be determined) (PDF, 128KB)
  8. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6A-14.0304, Online Courses (PDF, 60KB)
  9. Approval of the Division of Florida Colleges Employment Equity Accountability Program Progress Report: 2011/2012 through 2013/2014 (PDF, 1MB)
  10. Approval of Amendments to Rules related to the School Readiness Program: (PDF, 339KB)
    • 6M-4.400, Required Parent Co-payment
    • 6M-4.500, Child Attendance and Provider Reimbursements
    • 6M-4.501, Reimbursement During Emergency Closures
  11. Approval of Amendment to Rule 6M-8.201, Child Enrollment Procedure for the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program (PDF, 2MB)
  12. Approval of Amendments to Rules related to the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program: (PDF, 464KB)
    • 6M-8.605, VPK Staff Development Plan For Providers on Probation
    • 6M-8.700, Provider on Probation; Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program Improvement Plan and Implementation; First Year Probation
    • 6M-8.701, Provider on Probation; Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program Annual Probation Progress Report; Second and Subsequent Year Probation
    • 6M-8.702, Removal From Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program Eligibility
  13. Approval of Repeal of Rules 6M-4.401, Co-payment Collection and 6M-4.502, Records to be Maintained and Monitoring for Reimbursements (PDF, 32KB)
  14. Approval of Repeal of Rules related to the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program: (PDF, 77KB)
    • 6M-8.200, Documenting Child Eligibility for the VPK Program
    • 6M-8.2015, VPK Child Registration Pilot Project
    • 6M-8.202, Child Eligibility Determination and Enrollment Procedures
  15. Approval of Repeal of Rule 6M-9.121, Federal Quality Funds (PDF, 35KB)
Concluding Remarks Chair Gary Chartrand