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Title II, Part A: Supporting Effective Instruction
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Title II, Part A State-Level Activities & Survey

Professional Learning for Non-Profit Private School Teachers & Leaders

The Title II, Part A: State-Level Equitable Services Program offers professional learning opportunities and benefits through the North East Florida Educational Consortium (NEFEC) at no cost to non-profit private school teachers and leaders.

If you are interested in receiving monthly updates regarding professional learning opportunities from NEFEC, please complete the form located at

Title II, Part A State-Level Activities Input Survey

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), provides funds to states and local educational agencies (LEAs) to improve the quality of their teachers, principals and other school leaders and raise student achievement. States and LEAs receive these funds under Title II, Part A of the ESEA (Supporting Effective Instruction Grants).

The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) meets regularly with various stakeholder groups to inform decision making on the use of state-level Title II, Part A funds. This survey serves as an additional mechanism through which to collect valuable stakeholder feedback to support ongoing updates and improvements to Title II, Part A state-level activities.

Please note that survey data will be reviewed and analyzed on a regular cycle.

Click here to complete the survey.