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B.E.S.T Mathematics
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Rigor in Mathematics Webinar

This webpage contains information and resources related to K-12 mathematics instruction, specifically incorporating rigor in the mathematics classroom. The webinar begins with an overview of the components rigor as stated in the Florida Standards Implementation Guide (PDF). The webinar includes strategies teachers can use to increase the rigor during their mathematics instruction.


Cassie Palelis, Elementary Mathematics Specialist
Courtney Starling, Secondary Mathematics Specialist

Desired outcomes:

  • Identify the component or components of rigor in a given standard
  • Understand the three components of rigor: conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency and application
  • Incorporate the three components of rigor appropriately and effectively

Questions to consider:

  • What is rigor in mathematics?
  • How are the components of rigor addressed in the Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS)?
  • How can students demonstrate understanding of the components of rigor?
  • Are the components of rigor out of balance in my classroom? If so, how can I ensure they become balanced?
  • What can I do to increase the rigor in my mathematics instruction?


Related resources:

Please complete our webinar survey.